Zechariah 13:9

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried; they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God. Zechariah 13:9

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bedroom

Sunday, 25 April 2010

  • The Bedroom

    A few weeks ago, I had addressed the topic of spring cleaning and how we can relate each room of our physical homes to the spiritual rooms of our hearts ("spiritual lessons from sp" in the tags).  We live in a 2 story and when we started the cleaning, we started upstairs with the bedrooms.  Our 3 oldest boys share the biggest bedroom and they each have their own little area in it for their personal belongings.  I don't know how other boys are with keeping their rooms tidy and clean, but our boys bedroom was a real mess!  On our cleaning day, they got to work cleaning up their "spots", washing the walls and mopping the floor, including under their beds (our house is mostly hardwood).   When it was all finished, it looked great, they loved it, and they determined to keep it that way.  They certainly are old enough for that task and I told them that if I had to clean it again, I would charge a fee for maid service.  Hee Hee!  So far they are doing well and I am afraid that my chances of getting rich being a maid are pretty slim.  Now don't misunderstand me, tidiness and organization is something that I have to constantly work at myself, also.  I am not someone who obsesses over a clean house, for if I did I would not get anything else done.  I once read a cute quote that I can relate to....."keeping a clean house while raising children is like shoveling a sidewalk before it is done snowing".  So, if you want to stop in to see me, you may stop in anytime.  If you want to come see the house, you will have to make an appointment.
    Next, I tackled our bedroom, Dave's and mine.  And no, it wasn't as bad as the boys, but the walls needed to be wiped down and curtains washed.  Our bedroom is small with only walking space around the bed, but I don't mind that - less space to clean!   When I think of the purpose of our room, I think of rest and intimacy.  The scriptures tell us that the "sleep of a laboring man is sweet" and it is.  God created us to work and experience life for approximately 16 hours each day and then our bodies need to rest and sleep.  When that time arrives, the bed looks quite welcome, doesn't it?  In the morning, we wake up feeling refreshed (usually) and we are ready to face another day.  That is physical rest.   I know that many people have their quiet time with the Lord elsewhere in their homes, but our room is the best place for me.  The 2 most important relationships that we have (if we are married),  are the relationships with the Lord and our spouse, in that order.  If you are not married, I guess it would be the Lord and then your parents or mentor.  Our earthly relationships are so effected by our relationship with our Heavenly Father that it is very important that we make it a priority.  This is an area in my life that needs more attention.  I tell myself that I WILL take the time in the morning to pray and ask for God's guidance and wisdom for the day.  I will do good for a few days and then something will happen to that schedule and off goes the day and away goes my devotions.  I used to feel so condemned about this, until I realized that God knows my heart, He knows my intentions and I am serving Him by serving my family and meeting their needs.  I have learned to pray while doing dishes, laundry, or taking a walk.  I love to find songs that are prayers (there are many) and verses that encourage me, or challenge me, and tape them by the sink.  In saying all that, I have found that it is in those quiet times spent in my bedroom that are the most meaningful and bring a peace and rest to my sometimes overloaded mind and body.  God provides rest for hearts, we just need to seek Him and ask Him for it.
    Intimacy.......now don't run away!  This is not a shameful or sinful subject.  Definitions - "the quality of being comfortable, warm, or familiar." "Sexual intercourse".   We develop an intimate relationship with the Lord by spending time with Him, becoming familiar with His Word, asking for His presence in our lives and being obedient to His callings.  Marital intimacy is not only sexual, it is also emotional, but I want to just address the sexual part.  Sexual relationships are only to take place in a marriage commitment.  If you are not married, ask God for the strength to keep yourself sexually pure until you do marry that special someone.  Everywhere we look today, our eyes can take in images (whether a live person or pictures) that make our mind reel with impure thoughts whether we are married or not.  The temptations are there and we have to make a choice to act on them or give it to the Lord immediately.  He will provide strength for us to remain pure in our actions and thoughts.   If you are married, sexual intimacy is such a beautiful part of that union and such an important part that if there are problems in this area, more than likely it will cause problems in other areas of your relationship.  For a man, this area is priority!  You can read all kinds of material on the differences between the male and female, but I am not going to get into that now.  Sexual intimacy is not a bad word.  We should not be ashamed or feel quilty about our desires if they are within the context of God's requirements.   Take the time sometime and read the Song of Solomon in the scriptures to see what God really thinks of sexual intimacy.   In  sexual intimacy with your spouse, there is also no room for pornography.  This is wickedness and will eventually poison your relationship together.  I am not a counselor, but just a regular married woman who learned alot in the past and will continue to learn.    If this subject is very sensitive to you, I beg you to seek help and support, so that there is no dread or fear, but joy and delight.  Seek for open communication with your spouse, to please one another, and make it a priority in your marriage.  That is how God meant it to be.  If you have fallen to sexual impurity in the past, all is not lost.  Find the story in the Bible about the woman caught in adultry (John 8) and learn how God forgave her.  He then told her to sin no more.  Our God is able to erase all our past sins and make us clean, so that we are able to start fresh in our relationships.  May He work in each of our lives to bring us to His will for our intimate relationships.
    Our bedroom is finished now.  Next time we will address the sewing room.
    Until next time.............  

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